Another New Year

The first week of every year always starts with the same theme, and for me that theme is reflection.

I spend hours procrastinating, considering all the plans I didn’t achieve and the goals I failed to meet. I look back at the previous year with a sense of disappointment rather than taking the time to really cherish what I did love about the last twelve months.

2021, like 2020, was spent dealing with the implosion of the world as Covid-19 ravaged mankind. It hit our household in December but due to vaccinations symptoms were mild. Others, even acquaintances, were not so lucky.

And we are lucky. As a family we survived and are surviving through our vigilance and the respect we show by wearing our masks, keeping our distance and boosting as soon as we are able. It’s not going away, this deadly virus, so going into its third year of existence we need to learn from it. And if nothing else, I have learnt to cherish the moments in my time line.

So here is my reflection of 2021, a learned look back at what was wonderful:

  • KittyRed and I collected sunrises, excited by the range of colours and shapes.
  • We took a visit to York, basking in the wonders of the history and the atmosphere.
  • I finished the first draft of my novel! Actually finished it! The work now begins to polish and perfect it.
  • We continued many traditions, making sure our Mince Pies were delicious as always.
  • And I learned to appreciate the little things, like the warm glow of a dusty lamp and the smell of a candle given to me at Christmas by my amazing child.

Life wasn’t perfect but I allowed 2021 to be perfectly imperfect and that made all the difference. I achieved so much without any conscious recognition of doing so and that stops now. Each day I am going to ask myself what I am thankful for, what sparked joy that day rather than what annoyed the heck out of me.

2022 is going to be the year I stand tall, strike a pose, wink, and reach the end of December thinking… WOW, NOW THAT WAS A GREAT YEAR! And it might not all be plain sailing, but that wink will surely start me in the right direction.

Have a great year folks, maybe I’ll even blog a little more. 😀 xx

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