Gluttony – Meat, Coffee and Cake

And the Husband got to choose... There are three humans in our household and, as majority rules, the husband is usually outnumbered when it comes to decisions regarding where we eat. (Actually, me and the kid pretty much call rank on everything ha ha). Last weekend we let him choose our Saturday lunch destination and... Continue Reading →

2023 – One Twelfth Completed

January, it's pretty much done... right? How many of you had good intentions, resolutions and goals? How many of you have blinked through the longest yet shortest of Januarys and started none of it? Let's high five shall we! And let's forgive ourselves. February is a much more entertaining month to kick off our self... Continue Reading →

Tulips and Smiles

Colour in a bland week The last two weeks have lacked any taste, enthusiasm or energy. I've been trapped indoors, finding a new distaste for coffee and wishing I could make it all better for my wobbling child. Then amongst the doom and gloom, my Mother brought me over a bunch of the sunniest Tulips... Continue Reading →

March – Out About, Trapped In

The Good News We started the month with some long awaited good news... The Kid got into the High School that we were hoping for. High School! Jeez, it feels like two minutes ago she was taking her first steps and playing tea parties for hours on end. She is growing up too fast, I... Continue Reading →

Homemade – Watercolour Cards

During the dreaded lockdown year of 2020, I got into making things at home. This resulted in my poor friends being presented with sewn birthday gifts that I figured were wonderfully thoughtful but were probably naff without the glow of my own rose tinted glasses. Sorry, not sorry. I was not going to let a... Continue Reading →

Soup – Cooking with the Kid

I don't know about you, but lately our weekends have been more about vegetating than vegetables. What with the bad weather, stupid pandemic and a general feeling of ennui - we don't get up to much. Last weekend is a spark of inspiration we decided to cook our own lunch. Get in us! That lunch... Continue Reading →

The Power of Words

My last post detailed how I would be looking forward in 2022, my intentions to be grateful and gracious. January has been a wrecking ball, scathing all who lived it and all who had hoped for a better year. I have witnessed weakness and strength so far this year, both brave and both important to... Continue Reading →

Another New Year

The first week of every year always starts with the same theme, and for me that theme is reflection. I spend hours procrastinating, considering all the plans I didn't achieve and the goals I failed to meet. I look back at the previous year with a sense of disappointment rather than taking the time to... Continue Reading →

Me Vs The Glass Ink Pen

I like to have a go at most things, especially arty inspired tasks. Christmas 2020 brought me a wonderful Glass Ink pen set with a whole range of striking colours. Glass and Ink A glass pen is a new way of working for me. When I usually add ink to a project it is done... Continue Reading →

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